This page allows you to find out about our Governing Body.
The Governing Body has three strategic core functions:
- ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- holding leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils; and the performance management of staff;
- overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure that its money is well spent.
Whilst the Governing Body operates a circular model; we still operate a committee for Attendance; Pay and Health and Safety. We also have a governor who is solely responsible for Finance and reporting back to the FGB after meetings with the school bursar and headteacher.
Finance - Mr D Noble, Mr M Latham
Attendance - Mr M Pitts; Mrs B Bond and the headteacher
Safeguarding - Mrs H McAdam
Pay - Mr M Pitts; Mrs B Bond and the headteacher
Health and Safety - Mr D Noble and the headteacher
Headteacher Performance Reviewers - Mr M Latham and Mr D Noble
The links below enable you to find out more information about our governors including their business and financial interests within school, roles in other schools and the structure and responsibilities of the governing body and committees. There is also an attendance chart for full governing body meetings this academic year.
Further Information about Governors
The Governing Body meets six times a year and operates in a circular model - agenda focus is decided at the start of each term and is linked to the time in the financial and academic year cycle.
Attendance at Full Governor Body Meetings - 2024 - 25
Governor | Admin - Sept | 14.10.24 | 2.12.24 | 10.2.25 | ||||
M Latham | P | P | P | P | ||||
D Noble | P | P | P | P | ||||
M Pitts | P | P | P | P | ||||
Rev A Vaughan | P | P | P | P | ||||
H McAdam | P | P | P | P | ||||
B Bond | P | A | P | P | ||||
D Wells | P | P | P | P | ||||
P Sanderson | P | P | P | A | ||||
N Weaver | P | P | P | P |
p - present; a - apologies received; n - non attended.
Resignation received during academic year 2024-25:
Mr O Chapple - personal reasons
New elections during academic year 2024-25 - none to date
A key role for any governor is monitoring. On a regular basis, governors formally monitor activities in school to ensure that the strategies, polices and decisions of the Governing Body are being implemented appropriately and to learn from this implementation. These monitoring activities change each year as they are linked to the school development plan and current actions in school. Each governor is also a link governor for certain subjects/areas.
Further Information
Our clerk to the Governors is Mrs Sharon Kelly who can be contacted on 01522 681923 or
Governors are responsible for overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure that its money is well spent. Here you can find a link to our 'schools financial benchmarking' page.
Our dedicated page on the schools financial benchmarking service
As a school we recognise that a diversity of thought, voices and perspectives is essential to good governance and the effective running of any organisation. We collect diversity information from our Governors and, depending on current data, can use this to:
- target recruitment to address gaps in experience and diversity
- develop and adapt board practices to ensure full participation
- prioritise training and awareness-raising in identified areas
- address potential 'blind spots' through seeking wider advice and perspectives on current and upcoming opportunities, challenges and risks.
However, we are unable to publish this information as it would mean that individual members of our governing body could be identifiable.
Name | |
Conflicts of Interest Policy.doc | Download |
full_governing_board_terms_of_reference.doc | Download |
Governor Allowance Policy.doc | Download |
Governor Welcome Pack.doc | Download |
governors_code_of_conduct_2022.doc | Download |
responsibilities_of_the_governing_board.doc | Download |
Scheme of Delegation.doc | Download |
terms_of_reference for committees attendance.doc | Download |
terms_of_reference for committees pay and personnel.doc | Download |
Martin Latham - Chair of Governors and Foundation Governor
I was appointed as a foundation governor in 2019 having lived in Thorpe on the Hill for over 30
years and being a member of the village church community before moving to Collingham in 2020.
My own children attended the school any years ago and since being appointed to the board I
have been amazed by how the school has developed and improved in so many areas over the
years since they were attending. I fully support the vision of the school and its Christian based
ethos that attempts to provide an education that not only allows children to develop academically
to the best of their abilities but also their development in a broader sense as individuals and as
part of the school and the wider community outside of the school. I worked as a GP in Lincoln for
over 30 years prior to my retirement and was involved in the training of both medical students and
GPs locally. I have been a member of governing bodies in the NHS in the past with particular
responsibilities for the monitoring and raising of standards of clinical care and I think some of this
experience can be useful to my role as a governor.
Mrs Heidi McAdam - Vice Chair and LA Governor
I have recently joined the Governing Body as the Local Authority Governor. I have an extensive background in safeguarding and problem solving, having worked within law enforcement for over 20 years. Having been involved in multi-agency partnership arrangements I have seen first hand how important it is that children feel safe and cared for.
My son has recently started at St Michaels and I can see already the positive influence the school environment and teaching staff have had on him. I am a busy mum to 4 boys and have 2 dogs in the mix, juggling full time work and other commitments. My husband is a mini rugby coach for Lincoln RFC where I also volunteer and help out where I can.
This is the first time I have been a Governor but I am looking forward learning all about the role, and to contributing as much as I can to the school.
Revd Andrew Vaughan - Foundation Governor - ex-officio
I have been the Priest in Charge of the Swinderby Group since February 2017. From the moment I started I have been committed to seeing our village schools as places where our young people are enabled to flourish and grow. While it is only during the Autumn of 2021 that I joined the Governors of St Michael's, taking up my ex-officio roll, I have been a regular visitor to the school, taking part in assemblies and visiting all the classes.
I see our school as a place committed to the sense of flourishing, and am proud to take an active roll as we look to the future.
David Noble - Co-opted Governor
I had the pleasure of joining St Michael's as a parent governor in 2019, later being co-opted. I am a father of two children, one at St Michael's and one who has left for secondary education, so I have a real interest in ensuring that the pupils excel and that the school supports this at every step of the way.
I work for a large American corporation and I have a degree in engineering and a masters in business and I love getting into the detail!
I take a keen interest in the financials of the school and am part of the Finance Committee but also like to support in anyway possible with the physical development of the school, buildings, classrooms and outside space to further support the education provided by the school.
Mr Matthew Pitts - Parent Governor
I have been parent Governor for the school since April 2022 and in that time have been able to see in more detail the day to day workings of the school and also some of the challenges that the staff face.
I have worked in Secondary schools in Lincoln for the last 15 years and worked in a variety of pastoral and curriculum roles and am currently the Head of Sixth Form of a school in the City. Both my children attend the school in Year 5 and in the Reception class.
In the free time that I am allowed I am a season ticket holder at Aston Villa and try and play golf with varying degrees of success.
Mrs Barbara Bond - Foundation Governor
Ms Denice Wells - Parent Governor