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Pupil Voice

2024-25 has seen a big change in getting our children involved across school...we want children to feel empowered and really make a difference.  This year we are moving away from our usual School Council, Worship Council and Sports Council and having new roles and responsibilities.

Sept 24

Year 6 will continue to be House Captains and write a speech to be voted in by the whole school.

Oct 24

Miss Bryant chose three local and relevant charities and told us all about them - we then had a democratic vote to decide which one we would support for the whole year...the Rainbow Hospice won.  We held our first non-uniform event.

Children across school can apply for various roles:

  • Reading Ambassadors
  • Action Group
  • Year 6 Club leaders at lunchtime

Year 6 now run clubs at lunchtime including Sports Leaders; small world; animal awareness; Collectors' Club as examples.  There is a timetable and job advert board in the hall so that all children can see what is available.

Nov 24

As part of Worship, we have now established value led call and responses - the children now do these after modelling from staff.

Year 5 and then year 6 have both led their own worships - not rehearsed but children involved and leading!

Year 6 have been working hard to learn how to lead working worship and this will start in Jan 25.

Dec 24

Action group applications sorted and children appointed to the group - 6 members.

Second charity event held for the Rainbow Hospice.

Jan 25

School Action Group have held their first meeting and now meet regularly every Monday.




We are developing a programme of events for charities which show that our community is our school but also beyond.  We will look at raising money for charities locally, nationally and internationally.  This links with of school values and how we value everyone.  We will also have our focused charity of the Rainbow Hopsice.